Global Advisory Panel

Get Involved

GAP harnesses the unique skills, capabilities and resources of both GAP members and our partners to achieve the best outcomes for blood safety and program sustainability worldwide.

Partner with GAP

Are you interested in making an impact on the safety and quality of Red Cross and Red Crescent blood programs globally?

As the demand for support from GAP continues to grow, partnerships and funding are critical for us to deliver our work.  GAP’s coordination approach leverages individual capacities of our partners and includes valuable opportunities for partners who may not have existing experience in blood – as program assurance is provided through GAP’s governance, technical oversight and specialist expertise.


Let’s discuss how we can work together on our shared vision of safe and sustainable blood programs – contact GAP.

GAP membership

Are you a Red Cross or Red Crescent Category A full blood service?

Have you considered becoming a member of GAP?

GAP provides many direct benefits to its members including exposure to best practice governance and risk management strategies, networking and knowledge sharing with peers, and opportunities to provide input into global blood policy, including areas of emerging potential impact.


Our current membership spans all global regions, contact GAP to find out more.